Getting Started: Business E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a way to communicate with customers and provice valuable information to an interested or targeted audience. One way to reach your audience is by using an e-mail service provider who can automate best-practices. Some of the things they can provide:

Easy-to-use templates
Reinforced brand identity
E-mails addressed to the target recipient
Management of lists (adding new subscribers, handling bounce-backs, and removing un-subscribers)
Improve e-mail delivery, track results, and make sure your communications obey the law

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SEO Terms to Know

I have been in marketing and content development for years but have never considered myself an SEO expert. I have been able to pick up on tidbits here and there, but overall my knowledge is just what I’ve been able to teach myself. I was recently given the opportunity to attend some SEO training and realized I knew more than I thought I did, I just didn’t know the correct terminology for it all. Here are a few of the basic terms that will help you stand out in Google, Yahoo!, or Bing searches, as well as in your next SEO meeting.

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Finding Your Ideal Work Mentor

A few years ago I took some leadership training and during the training it was suggested we get mentors. I asked someone who was in a higher position than I was and who I respected a lot. She told me she had too much on her plate. Luckily, I found someone else, who recommended a few books to me and we were able to meet a few times. In the end, I didn’t keep up with it and it fell off.

Lately I feel like I need guidance and inspiration. I do read books on my own about leadership, but I am not clear on where I want to go at this point and have been feeling a little uninspired. I need some help guiding my career, so I decided to do some research on how to find a mentor again.

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Deliver Engaging Virtual Presentations

There is no question that effective communication is critical to the success of any organization. For years, companies have been training people on how to deliver engaging, clear, and concise presentations to communicate important business information internally and to customers. As more and more communication becomes conducted virtually, new skills and knowledge are required to ensure employees can be as equally effective when technology is involved. Virtual presenters need to be able to develop the right message, use technology properly, and keep their audience engaged.

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