Analytics and Magical Thinking

Any disruptive technology brings with it a disruption in thinking. The Industrial Revolution led for a brief while to a belief in almost infinite human mastery over the physical world. The IT revolution gave us new awareness of our physical and metaphorical interconnectedness with others around the world. So, given the disruptive nature of data analytics and its associated technologies, what disruptions in thinking can we expect from it?

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Be a “T” Shaped SDLC Professional and Become Outsource Proof

The “T” shaped concept is not new, but it is foundational to worker productivity and success for organizations trying to meet the challenges brought on by the speed of disruption. Simply put, rapid change can be devastating. It brings obsolescence in a short order (think RIM), but with that devastation comes accelerated growth opportunity (think Facebook all of 10 years old).

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Performance Metrics and “Gaming the System”

Performance metrics are a key building block of an organization’s analytics capabilities—with good reason. Everyone wants to understand how well their organization performs, and there’s often data around for easy picking. But, beware. As you develop the discipline of organizational self-analysis, be mindful of the effects your analysis can have on employee behavior.

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