Crushworthy Tech Jobs — IT Director with SAS

Let’s face it, most of us don’t grow up dreaming of our future technology careers. It’s usually firefighters, police officers, and doctors that get all the glory. But as IT, technology, and digital media become some of the fastest growing job fields, we wanted to know more about the people in these industries and the different careers that they have found.

In our series “Crushworthy Tech Jobs,” we will learn the reality of these positions, what skills and experiences lead to each career, and what advice they have for others striving for the same success.

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Striving Styles Personality System

More than 100 years from the inception of Jung’s Psychological
Type Theory and 70 years after the release of the Myers‐Briggs
Type Indicator, the Striving Styles Personality System is the
next step in this evolutionary process. It is a complete
assessment and development system that is based in the
neurobiology of personality development. It incorporates the
pioneering work of experts in brain functioning and
development as well as emotional intelligence.

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