5 tips for creating a productive staff training course

If you develop the training capabilities of all your employees, communication skillsyou will see definite advantages for your company.

The right training will help increase the motivation of your employees; whilst at the same
time enhance their skills. Because your employees are already familiar with the ins and outs of the company – which include the strengths and weaknesses, the goal, culture and environment – teaching employees to train will improve the effectiveness of the training. Here’s what you can do to make sure that the next staff training will be successful.

Set responsibility and expectation
The participants of the training should be made aware of their responsibility to take the training seriously. Instructions can only go far – so it will be up for the participant to make sure that they will get the most of every training session. The company should point out the objectives and benefits of the training. For example, if it has the objective of improving the skills of the employees – show how the newly acquired skills can lead to a pay rise.

Don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach
When planning your training, you shouldn’t use only one method of learning. It is likely that your
employees will respond more to different learning styles. Some prefer to learn by seeing, while some
prefer learning by doing or hearing. The point is – make sure you include different types of learning
experience for your employees. It is important that you take into account individual needs. By keeping
the training flexible, you allow each individual to work at their own pace.

Provide high quality instruction and trainers
To ensure that the training will be done in high quality – you should see to it that all the training
materials are of the highest standard of quality. The training should focus on imparting knowledge,
improving skills and maintaining good attitudes of the employees. Likewise, make sure that the trainers
are of the highest standard of quality as well. The trainers should be familiar with the training materials.

Involve staff and supervisors
Before the training, make sure that the supervisors meet their staff. This allows the employees to
prepare themselves better. Involve the supervisors also after the training, so that they can review what
has been done and accomplished thus far.

Create the right environment for training
To optimise the time used for staff training it is best to setup the right training environment in which staff can
concentrate, focus and learn. The physical environment must be setup correctly to make sure staff are alert and
attentive at all time i.e not too stuffy and making staff drowsy.  The layout of the training room or location should
also be appropriate for the style of training being given.

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