Top 5 reasons why communication in the workplace fails

There is no denying the fact how essential effective communication
is the success of an

It is quite unfortunate that not everyone understands how to succeed at this task. Poor communication can leave two people with two very different perceptions. Take this equation to the workplace and it’s a recipe for disaster.

In business, there is simply no space for misunderstanding or ambiguity. Always make sure that things are being conveyed in a clear and precise manner.
While people on the top always have the perception that the management has provided clear directions and goals, reality shows otherwise as research conducted by Fortune magazine reveals that only one-third of the employees think the same.

These are the top 5 reasons why communication in the workplace fails.

1. Not Listening Properly
Most management focused their effort only on sending messages instead of listening to their employees. Sending out a barrage of information without making sure that they are being understood clearly will not do the organisation any good. Remember that communication is a two-way street.

2. Inconsistency
When it comes to internal communication, it is important for the organisation to be consistent in what and how they communicate. Changing the tone every now and then will only result in a loss of credibility. Let’s say the organisation is trying to establish a communication program in all aspects in-order to improve the performance. One this has been established, it is essential to keep maintaining this good level of communication, regardless the condition of the organisation. Do not rely on it only in times of crisis.

3. Dishonest Communications
Being dishonest with the employee will only create a rift within the organisation and nurture an unhealthy and tense atmosphere once they find out. The distrust will reduce the productivity level and can ultimately lead to t he doom of the organisation.

4. Failing to Walk the Talk
Do not send messages that you don’t intend to put into action. The actions of the man should match their words. Leaders should set the right examples by making sure that the actions do not contradict their words in order to empower and motivate the employees.

5. Confusing Communication
When management sends messages in an unclear language filled with fluff rather than the facts – it will make it hard for employee to understand what it is that organisation is trying to convey.

These are some of the top reasons why communication between employee and management fails.Changing this condition won’t be a walk in the park, but it is possible to make some improvement. A good communication system will help enhance the performance of the organisation.

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