How Your Junior High English Teacher Can Help You Sell More Effectively

How to Use Grade School English to Sell More Effectively Think back on your sales appointments over the past two weeks. How often did you use each of the following: “is there anything…” “could you…” “would you…” “can I” “I’ll follow up on… does that work for you?” Each of those questions creates an automatic[…] Read More

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Telltale Signs You Need Big Data

If you’re like most companies, you’re probably sick of hearing about “big data.” However, like most companies, you’re probably also still years away from taking advantage of it. Regardless of company size or vertical, proper implementation of big data, storage and analysis technologies can both save and make your organization a ton of cash. At the very least, these technologies can help you better understand how to best serve your customers by crawling through their behavior logs and discovering what they want as well as the best way to get it to them.

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Thinking Inside The Box About System Boundaries and Compliance

About 100 years ago, a brain teaser known as the nine-dot puzzle appeared in the Cyclopedia of Puzzles. It is fairly simple in principle, but it can be quite challenging for many people when they see it for the first time. An array of nine dots, equally spaced in a square pattern are presented with the challenge to connect all the dots with four straight lines without lifting the pencil from the page. The solution to the puzzle requires that lines go beyond the boundaries of the imaginary box that is formed by the outer set of dots. Since most people will limit themselves to the invisible borders formed by the dots, the solution can be elusive.

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