Microsoft Ignite: A Great Event Challenged by Growing Pains

When it comes to event planning, Microsoft subscribes to the “go big or go home” school of thought. The house that Bill Gates built does not host small parties. So after deciding to combine the Lync Conference, the SharePoint Conference, the Microsoft Exchange Conference, plus the flagship TechEd North America conference into one event, Chicago was a logical choice of venue.

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Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Cooking with IBM Watson Part 1

Part one: The cognitive cooking campaign was designed to showcase Chef Watson’s culinary prowess, and resulted in the cookbook “Cognitive Cooking with Chef Watson,” populated with recipes from the “mind” of a computer. Given the fact that I love any excuse to have a potluck, I decided to put my crack team of IBM investigators on the case by hosting a Watson Dinner Party. In part one of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Cooking with IBM Watson you’ll get a behind the scenes look into the trials and tribulations of cooking alongside IBM’s Chef Watson.

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