Skillsoft and University of Alberta Partnership Utilizing eLearning to Fill the Gaps

Large organizations often have a high demand for learning but a low capacity to deliver on that demand, particularly on a wide variety of topics or in formats that meet the needs of all employees. Partnering with other organizations can increase and e…

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Understanding Orchestration Designer for Avaya Aura Contact Center

In this post, we are going sort through the evolution of the different programs that have been used over the years to create call processing instructions. We will explore how programming progressed from exclusively text-based scripting to scripts and graphical-based flows. Tips for working with flows will be described. We will discuss the introduction of the Contact Router and different ways of supporting the first place (Contact Router or Master script) where all contacts are processed.

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How To Survive Your Job in 2013

Sometimes work sucks. No shock, Sherlock.

I don’t know how your 2012 turned out work-wise, but if it was less than perfect, I wouldn’t bet on 2013 being a walk in the park either. While your co-workers are preparing for the zombie apocalypse (Who needs a Mayan calendar right?), I’d suggest you take a moment or two to reassess your job satisfaction and consider a few ways to make 2013 more rewarding.

Luckily, I love my job, but on more than one occasion, I’ve had managers tell me they’re surprised at how well I evaluate my position. I grew up on a farm so I know there are way worse places I could be on a winter’s morning than a cubicle at Global Knowledge headquarters in Cary, NC.

If someone who is as jaded and sarcastic as I am (okay, at times I’ve even been called an insatiable whiner) can see the bright side of my job, surely I can help you do the same:

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