Why Take the CompTIA 700 Series Exam When the 800 Series is Already Released?

On August 31, 2013, CompTIA will retire A+ certification exams 220-701 and 220-702. Since the 800 exams are available now, why bother with the 700s? The best reason: You’ve taken exam 220-701 but haven’t taken the second exam (220-702) to complete your A+ certification process.

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Military Orders Process vs. Project Management Methodology

For a project manager (PM) who has served as a military officer on a battalion or higher staff, the parallels between the military decision-making process (MDMP), the orders production process, and project management doctrine prescribed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) are difficult to ignore. Both the MDMP and the processes outlined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge—Fifth Edition (PMBOK® Guide) are iterative in nature, allow for the introduction of changes to the original plan, assign tasks and responsibilities, and involve the concept of managing the scope of the operation or project.

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Military Orders Process vs. Project Management Methodology

For a project manager (PM) who has served as a military officer on a battalion or higher staff, the parallels between the military decision-making process (MDMP), the orders production process, and project management doctrine prescribed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) are difficult to ignore. Both the MDMP and the processes outlined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge—Fifth Edition (PMBOK® Guide) are iterative in nature, allow for the introduction of changes to the original plan, assign tasks and responsibilities, and involve the concept of managing the scope of the operation or project.

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CCNP Exam Prep Tips and Must Knows about Switch Security

In January of 2010, Cisco announced they were updating their CCNP curriculum and their certification exams through what they described as “a comprehensive process involving customers and partners from around the globe.” The revisions focused “on the competencies that are needed to plan, implement, and troubleshoot the routed and switched networks of today and are designed to be more predictive of job readiness.”

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