IPv6 — Are You Ready?


Most of the major ISPs around the world have already implemented IPv6 on their networks. Most of the top Internet destinations already support IPv6 connections from visitors. Most of the operating systems and browsers in use today support IPv6. So, are you ready for IPv6?

For the most part, the typical Internet user will not notice any difference between IPv4 and IPv6. It is possible that there will be some transitional difficulties where some temporary connectivity problems might occur. This could happen if some sites and networks upgrade to IPv6 without including proper translation services between v6 and v4 for any connections to legacy networks.

Are you curious about whether your system is already capable of IPv6 or would to like to find out if your ISP is already assigning you an IPv6 address?

If you are a Windows user, open a Command Prompt and enter “ipconfig /all”. View the details of your network interface and look for an address labeled with IPv6. If you are a Linux user, open a Terminal window or shell and enter “ifconfig”. An IPv6 address will be labeled as “inet6”.

However, your system doesn’t have to locally support IPv6 in order to use IPv6 on the Internet. Your ISP might be performing IPv4 to IPv6 NATing. You can check your current IP settings and IPv4/IPv6 capabilities at several test sites, such as:



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