Weak Link in Continual Service Improvement

It’s difficult to make a case than any of the ITIL books are more important than any of the others. There are convincing arguments that can be made in support of any one of the five core books being the most important. While there are both things I like and things I don’t like about the current Continual Service Improvement (CSI) book, organizations that fail to properly attend to this aspect of service management are at a severe disadvantage.

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Using ITIL for Specific Organizational Improvements

Respondents to the survey were given the ability to enter free-form responses detailing specific organizational improvements that have occurred due to the knowledge gained in the pursuit of intermediate and advanced ITIL certifications. There were numerous specific improvements noted by the respondents. Some of the responses to this question included:

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The Value of ITIL Certifications to Organizations

There is much debate in the IT world about the value of certifications to organizations, and this debate often includes the value of ITIL certifications to organizations. Value has intangible aspects, and it’s often difficult to adequately assess value. The survey assessed several aspects of the value of ITIL certifications to organizations by asking respondents how earning these certifications helped their employers.

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The Value of ITIL Certifications to Individuals

Responses to the survey showed clearly that earning intermediate and advanced ITIL certifications is valuable to individuals. Of the 117 participants, 76.5 percent indicated that earning ITIL intermediate and advanced certifications made them more marketable compared to others in the job market. This is significant value because of recent economic conditions and the need for individuals to show that they have the credentials and experience that are significantly better than those they’re competing against for limited jobs.

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