Problem Management and Knowledge Management

Most organizations quickly realize that knowledge management must be integrated with incident management in order to improve the quality of service and the efficiency of providing assisted service. What is not as quickly recognized is the value of integrating knowledge management with problem management.

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Investing for a Successful KCS Initiative

Organizations desiring to implement or improve on their knowledge management processes must invest in people and process as well as technology. A common mistake organizations make is focusing on the tools more than the processes and people. That practice has consistently led to failure, as technology is an enabler of knowledge management, not a critical success factor.

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UFFA Is Every Support Professional’s Responsibility

UFFA, which stands for “Use it, Flag it or Fix it, Add it,” is the responsibility of every support professional in the knowledge management process. It comes from the Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) methodology where knowledge management is based on collaboration and a shared ownership of the knowledge base. Let’s break it down.

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