Risk Management and Cyber Tips for Business

Okay, so Target was breached, and so was Home Depot, Dairy Queen, JP Morgan, Kmart, South Korea, and [name a company]. These are just the companies that made the news. In light of so many prominent businesses being breached, is there any business owner out there who still believes his/her business is secure and will not be hacked? If so, can I interest you in a bridge in Brooklyn?

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Top 5 Common Activities that Break Company Security Policy

Many employees are not as well-versed in their company’s security policy as they should be. This may result in workers performing tasks that might seem innocent or benign on the surface, but which actually put the organization at risk of a security breach. Understanding what you are doing (as an employee) or what your users are doing (as a boss or manager), can help you work toward a viable resolution to these situations. In most cases, user behavior changes as well as implementation of new technological solutions can curb exposure to risk and increase security policy compliance.

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Top 5 Unfortunately Common Online Attacks

Using the Internet continues to be a risky endeavor as the range of exploits and attacks continues to increase. Even without seeking out questionable content, it is easy to be compromised by a wide range of common online attacks. Here are five unfortunately common online attacks and what you need to do about them.

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Don’t Get Stung By Hacking Back With Honeypots

Consider this: You are the CEO of a company that has been persistently attacked by hackers. You’ve suffered damage, denial of service, loss of intellectual property, and more. Despite numerous attempts to identify and clean up malware and vulnerabilities, the hackers continue to attack. You decide something must be done. Your company cannot continue to suffer this loss and damage. You want to locate the hackers, if possible, but at a minimum you want to stop or block the attacks and try to recover stolen property.

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