What Is OAuth Single Sign-On Authentication?

OAuth is a type of single sign-on solution that is gaining popularity online. Single sign-on is the concept of authentication when a single logon event can be used to allow access into a collection of systems. This is different than traditional authentication where each system would require its own unique and local authentication. Single sign-on has been a standard element in company networks for decades. There have been many attempts to duplicate this concept on the Internet, but only now with the adoption of OAuth is that actually starting to becoming a reality.

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Why You Should Use Multi-Step Authentication

Authentication is one of the essential components of security. It is one part of the concept known as authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). AAA stands for authentication, authorization, and accounting. Authentication is the process of claiming an identity then proving that you are that claimed identity. Authorization is the mechanism to control what you can access or do. Accounting is the recording of events into a log in order to review the activities against the rules and policies in order to detect violations or confirm compliance. All three of these should be addressed when constructing a system in order to have a reasonable foundation for reliable security.

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