Be Proactive to Prevent a Healthcare Data Breach

Chances are if you work in the healthcare industry you’ve heard of the Anthem data breach, where hackers illegally accessed millions of patient records and private information. This shows that healthcare organizations aren’t any more immune to data breaches than major retailers like Target or Home Depot — yet they’ve been slow to adjust to the high-tech environment.

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Top 3 Must-See vSphere 6.0 Features

VMware vSphere 6® brings some great new features that will make managing data and storage much easier. The upgrades include tighter integration between products, much needed improvements to several core features, as well as the bundling of backup and recovery functions. The tighter integration between the vSphere products will bring some advanced technologies to many VMware customers depending on their licensing editions. Let’s look at three enhancements you should be sure to check out…

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