Strategies to Close Skills Gaps: Process

So far, most of the focus has been on skills gaps and the impact on the workforce. Today, I’m interested in your input about closing skills gaps. We’ve already talked about skill gap analysis — a great approach for the individual, group or an entire organization. Skill gap analysis can be as simple as looking at where you want to be and where you currently are and scheduling classes to close the gap.

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Strategies to Close Skills Gaps: You and Your Organization (Part 2)

Young adults unable to find work, employers unable to fill jobs, a recent GAO study that reported substantial declines in telecommunication expertise — there has been a lot of news about the pervasiveness of skills gaps, their causes, the actual impacts and what to do about them. It’s rather confusing, because the term “skills gaps” has been hijacked to politicize an extremely wide range of issues.

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Skills Gaps Are Impacting You and Your Business: What Can You Do About It?

From an employee’s perspective, skills gaps are dangerous. You might be an incredibly accomplished network administrator and yet end up displaced by a cloud administrator who has less depth of knowledge, but a wider set of interpersonal and process skills necessary to support a broader role.

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Closing the Skills Gap: Why You and Your Company Need Workforce Transformation

If you’re a traditional IT specialist such as a systems administrator, developer or service manager, then you are probably already thinking about long-term career development. As more roles consolidate and functionality automates, you’ll likely have lots of questions. How do I get more strategic? How do I get closer to the business, and how do I add value so that I can’t be outsourced?

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