Cybersecurity Takes Forefront at RSA Conference

It’s an exciting time to attend the RSA Conference next week in San Francisco. With a theme of Where the World Talks Security, RSA realizes cybersecurity has never been more important in our world than it is now. Even the mainstream media is taking notice of major data breaches.

Companies, as well as government agencies, all face a questionable budgetary future and have to take a different look at cybersecurity. It’s become a vital issue organizations have to balance, finding better ways to stay safe while at the same time being pushed to the limit financially.

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Seven Habits of Highly Secure People

Last week in my post Low Tech Solutions to Survive a High-Tech World, I shared some common sense ways to avoid identity theft from a workshop at AFCEA’s West13 conference lead by Jeff Moulton, principal research associate at the Georgia Tech Research Institute. This week I’m going to share the second part of his workshop, “Seven Habits of Highly Secure People.”

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Low Tech Solutions to Survive a High-Tech World

“Identity theft sucks. If you’ve ever been through this, you realize how painful this truly is.”

And with that, Jeff Moulton of the Georgia Tech Research Institute began his identity theft workshop at AFCEA’s West 13 conference in sunny San Diego. I was fortunate enough to attend the identity theft workshop where he shared some simple, common sense ways that even the “most technologically-challenged” folks can utilize to reduce their exposure to identity theft.

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Looking Forward to AFCEA’s West13 in San Diego

In the last two years, I’ve been to my share of IT tradeshows and conferences. Las Vegas. San Francisco. Dallas. DC. San Diego. Of all the cities I’ve traveled to for work, I enjoyed San Diego the most, so the fact that my next conference is AFCEA’s West 13 in the San Diego Convention Center is a great way to start off my 2013 business travels.

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How To Survive Your Job in 2013

Sometimes work sucks. No shock, Sherlock.

I don’t know how your 2012 turned out work-wise, but if it was less than perfect, I wouldn’t bet on 2013 being a walk in the park either. While your co-workers are preparing for the zombie apocalypse (Who needs a Mayan calendar right?), I’d suggest you take a moment or two to reassess your job satisfaction and consider a few ways to make 2013 more rewarding.

Luckily, I love my job, but on more than one occasion, I’ve had managers tell me they’re surprised at how well I evaluate my position. I grew up on a farm so I know there are way worse places I could be on a winter’s morning than a cubicle at Global Knowledge headquarters in Cary, NC.

If someone who is as jaded and sarcastic as I am (okay, at times I’ve even been called an insatiable whiner) can see the bright side of my job, surely I can help you do the same:

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