Ten Performance Monitor Counters to Analyze SQL Server Memory Pressure

Many experts agree that memory is the most important resource with regard to SQL Server performance. There are hundreds of performance counters, and therefore, it can be complex to figure out just what to monitor. Here are some suggestions in understanding whether memory pressure might be the performance problem with your SQL Server. You can use Performance Monitor to collect this data. You can also obtain the SQL Server specific counters using the Dynamic Management View (DMV) that is built into SQL Server. The DMV is an excellent and lightweight option for performance monitoring. You can use this syntax.

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Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocks: What They Are and How They Work

There are a few terms that often are confused in SQL Server. These are locking, blocking, and deadlocks. These are all very different from each other.

Locking is a normal and desirable process. Blocking is also normal, but is less desirable. Deadlocking is not a normal process and is never desirable.

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